General Knowledge Qn. - 2

1. Who was the founder of Pakistan ?

    A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

    B. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

    C. Ashfaqulla khan                 D. Fazlul Huq

2. India’s which forest area has been added to list of world heritage sites by the  United Nations Organization?

    A. Eastern Ghats                    B. Western Ghats
    C. Ghats of Varanasi               D. Deccan Ghats

3. Name the first Indian cricketer who was nominated to Rajya Sabha?

     A. Kabil Dev                            B. Ravi Sasthri

    C. Sachin Tendulkar                D. Gavaskar

4. Whose Auto Biography is called ‘Prisoner 5990’ ?

A. R. Balakrishna Pillai     B. Sukumar Azheekode

C. E.K. Nayanar                D. Valsalakumari

5. Which country did India beat to qualify for London Olympics men’s hockey 2012?

A. France                          B. Germany

C. Pakistan                       D. China

6. Name the former president of Italy who died 2012?.

A. Francesco Cossiga        B. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro

C. Sandro Pertini              D. Antonio Segni

7. Who authored Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter?

A. Anne Rice                     B. Jonathan Swift

C. Karl May                       D. Mario Vargas

8. Which famous port of South India gives evidence of Indo-Roman trade?

A. Alambarai                     B. Mylapore

C. Arekamedu                   D. Dhamra

9. The second largest country in the world is:

A. Canada                         B. India

C. Saudi Arabia                 D. Kazakistan

10. Which application of Microsoft was unveiled with cloud option?

A. MS Office 2010              B. MS Office 2009

C. MS Office 2013              D. MS Office 2011

11. Who is the President of Mexico ?

A. Entwick Pena Neto         B. Serzh Sargsyan

C. Heinz Fischer                 D. Yayi Boni

12. Name the digital music store launched by

A. Napster                          B. eMusic

C. Tesco Digital                  D. Flyte

13. Name the former secretary general of Basketball Federation of India?.

A.   Mohd Seraj Ansari         B. Harish Sharma 

C. M.L. Jadem                     D. Dr. Vijai Sinha

14. Malic acid contains in?.

     A. Apple                                B. Orange

     C. Pappaya                            D. Beans

15. Who wrote Ramayana?

     A.  Veda Vyasa                       B. Valmiki

     C. Kalidasa                            D. Kaudilya

16. Which of the following countries is not a member of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)?

A.China                                B. India

C. Nepal                               D. Bangladesh

17. World Polio day?.

A. October 24                       B. December 23

C. March 12                         D. April 2
18. Neurons were seen in:

A. Heart                                B. Mussels

C. Brain                                D. Kidney
19. Capital of Belgium?.

A. Brussels                           B. Belmopan

C. Porto-Novo                       D. Thimphu

20. Ancient name of Japan:

A. Benadir                            B. Gold Coast

C. Nippon                             D. Ruanda

21. Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was on:

A. A.D – 56                           B. A.D - 29

C. A.D – 34                           D. A.D - 25
22. Lady with the lamp relates to:

A. Florance Nightingale         B. Maria Theresa

C. Eleanor                            D. Hatshepsut

23. The first European who invade India?.

     A. Marco Polo                         B. Vasco

     C. Alexander                           D. Solaman

24. Who is the founder of NSS?.

A. K. Kelappan             B. Kondoor Krishnapillai

C. Thrivikrama Kaimal

      D. Mannathu Padmanabhan

25. Khilafat Movement was on:

A. 1919                               B. 1921

C. 1914                               D. 1912

26. Widely cultivated tuber crop of Kerala is:

A. Sweet Potato                   B. Dioscorea

C. Colocasia                        D. Aroids

27. Name the legislature of Canada?.
      A. Parliament                       B. Folketing

      C. National Assembly           D. Althing

28. Neyveli Lignite Project is located in

      A. Andra Pradesh                 B. Kerala
      C. Tamil Nadu                      D. Karnataka

29. UNESCO means:

      A. United Nations Educational, Scientific and
          Cultural Organization

      B. United Nations Economic, Scientific and
          Cultural Organization

      C. United Nations Educational, Social and 
          Cultural Organization

      D. United Nations Economic, Social and 
          Cultural Organization

30. Jatiyo Sangshad is the Parliament of:

A.   Nepal                           B. Bhutan

C. Bangladesh                   D. Srilanka

31. RBI to issue Rs.5 coins bearing which institutes emblem as it mark’s its Centenary Year?

     A. Indian Space Research Institute 

     B. Indian Council Medical Research
     C. Indian Institute of Management 

     D. Statistical Council of India
32. Who won the 73rd PGA Tour Title 2012?

      A. Jack Nicklaus                B. Tiger Woods

      C. Tom Watson                  D. Billy Casper 

33. Name the First Radar Imaging Satellite (spy satellite) Successfully launched by India.

      A. RISAT-1                         B. RISAT-2

      C. INSAT-1                         D. NASTAR-1
34. Which country released world’s highest resolution lunar images taken by its second moon orbiter, Chang’e-2?

      A. Japan                            B. China

      C. Taiwan                          D. Singapore
35. The name Ajay Jayaram is associated with:

      A. Hokey                            B. Football

      C. Basket Ball                    D. Badminton

36. Acid contains in Soda:

      A. Carbonic acid                 B. Ascetic Acid

      C. Sodic Acid                      D. Oxalic Acid

37. The disease 'Scurvy' is caused by the deficiency of:

      A. Vitamin A                       B. Vitamin C

      C. Vitamin K                       D. Vitamin B
38. The energy in stars is produced by:

      A. Hydro Nuclear Reaction      B. Chain Reaction

      C. Thermo Nuclear Reaction    D. Fuel Reaction

39. Human Rights Day is observed on:

      A. 10th December              B. 27th December

      C. 17th November              D. 25th October

40. Heaviest metal is:

      A. Copper                           B. Osmium

      C. Iron                                D. Zinc

41 . Gitanjali is written by;

      A. Rabindranath Tagore      B. Shyama Sasthri

      C. Vishnu Sharma    D. Bankim Chandra chatterji

42. The book titled “The World Beneath His Feet” is the biography of:

         A. M.S Oberoi                  B. Anitha Desai

   C. Pulela Gopichand        D. Deepa Metha

43. Which the largest temple in the world.

      A. Somnath Temple          B. Tanjavur temple

      C. Angkorwat temple        D. Rankpur Jain

44. Which is the oldest capital City?.
      A. Damascus                    B. Byblos

      C. Rey                               D. Gaza City

45. Who is the first Human in Space?

      A. Joseph M. Acaba          B. Yuri Gagarin

      C. Rakesh Sharma            D. Loran Acton

46. Berlin is situated on the banks of:

      A. Menam                         B. Clyde

      C. Spree                            D. Ottawa

47. Who discovered North America?.

      A. Columbus                     B. Leif Ericsson

      C. Robert Peary                 D. Marco Polo

48. White Lilly is the National Emblem of which country?.

      A. Canada                         B. Poland

      C. Italy                              D. Brunei

49. City of Cycles is:

      A. Beijing                           B. Delhi

      C. Osaka                            D. Hong Kong

50. Which is the currency of Bahrain?.

      A. Riyal                              B. Dirhams

      C. Dollar                            D. Dinar

51. Sejm is the parliament of:

      A. Holand                           B. Poland

      C. South Korea                   D. Singapore

52. East Pakistan was:

      A. Nepal                              B. Afganistan

      C. Bangladesh                     D. Yaman

53. Corn Flower is the national flower of:

      A. Canada                           B. Australia

      C. Germany                        D. New Zealand

54. Highest tower in India?

      A. Taj Mahal                       B. Qutabminar

      C. Charminar                     D. India Gate

55. Which is the Longest Canal in India?.

      A. Indira Gandhi Canal       B. Buddha Nullah

      C. Agra Canal                     D. Ganges Canal

56. Dhivehi is the official language of:

      A. Sri Lanka                       B. Maldives

      C. Congo                            D. Thailand

57. Who is the 25th Chief of the Indian Army?

      A. Pran Nath Taper        B. General Bikram Singh

      C. Om Prakash Malhothra

      D. Arun Shridhar Vaidya

58. Where the World’s first Virtual shopping store opened? 

      A.   Dubai                       B. Canada

   C. Germany                   D. Korea

59. Tiger brand is associated with which company?

      A. Britannia                   B. I.T.C

      C. Cadbury                    D. Parle

60. The Supercomputer developed by C-DAC for Biology research.

      A. Superbio                   B. Supernova

      C. Biochrome                D. Bioinfo

61. Who won the Grand slam title in men’s Australian Open 2012?

     A. Djokovic                     B. Rafael Nadal

     C. Roger Federer             D. Bernard Tomic

62. Neutrino Observatory (INO) project is located near which of the following hills? 

     A.   Guru Shikhar            B. Nilgiri Hills

  C. Chaudhara                 D. Kodachadri

63. Gautama Buddha was born in: 

     A.   Padaliputhra              B. Madura

  C. Lumbini                      D. Nalanda

64. Arundhathy Roy got Booker Prize for the year: 

     A.   1994                          B. 1996
  C. 1998                           D. 1997

65. Genes are located on:

     A. Plastids                       B. Nuclear membrane

     C. Mitochondria              D. Chromosomes

66. Total number of members in the National Human Rights Commission.

     A. Five                            B. Seven

     C. Three                          D. Four

67. Right to vote is mentioned in the part of the constitution relating to:

     A. Fundamental rights    B. Union Legislature

     C. State                          D. Election

68. Who is the author of Das Capital?. 

     A.   Karl Marx                  B. James Wilson
  C. Bill Emmott                D. Walter Adams

69. Laser jet is a/an ........ printer?.

     A. Impact                        B. Non-impact

     C. Either a or b               D. DMP

70. In which field, Ramnath Goenka Award is given?

     A. Sports                         B. Arts

     C. Journalism                 D. Social Worker

71. Name India’s first cruise missile that will travel at a sub-sonic speed developed by the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)?

     A. Nirbhay                       B. 3M-54 Kulb

     C. Moskit                         D. Brahmos

72. The currency of Myanmar is: 

     A.   Taka                           B. Kyat
  C. Shekel                          D. Tenge

73. A polymorphic virus: 

     A.   Modifies its program code each time it attaches
         itself to another program or file 

     B.   Is a malicious-logic program that copies itself
          repeatedly in memory or on a disk drive until no
          memory or disk space remains 

     C.   A malicious logic program that hides within or
           looks like a legitimate program 

     D.  Infects a program file, but still reports the size
          and creation date of the original, uninfected

74. Paper currencies of our country are issued by RBI under: 

     A.   Section 22 of the RBI act 1934

     B. Section 24 of the RBI act 1934

  C. Section 28 of the RBI act 1934  

  D. None of these

75. The Audit of a State Co-operative Union is done by:

    A.   Local Fund Auditors

    B. Director of Co-operative Audit      

 C. State co-operative council         

 D. Co-operative Audit Commission

76. The multipurpose project which irrigates the 
      maximum areas:
    A. Damodar Valley                B. Hirakud

    C. Beas                                 D. Bhakra Nangal

77. UNIDO stands for: 

    A.   United Nations Industrial Development

    B.   United Nations Individual Development

    C.   United Nations Infrastructure Development

     D.  United Nations Investment Development

78. The Aid India Club was formed by the suggestion of

     A. World Bank                   B. W.T.O

     C. IMF                               D. Co-operate council

79. Radio-carbon dating is used to find the age of:

     A. Fossils                           B. Stars

     C. Rocks                            D. Trees

80. UNCTAD means:

      A. United Nations Conference on Tariff and

      B. United Nations Concept on Trade and

      C. United Nations Concept on Tariff and

      D. United Nations Conference on Trade and
81. Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal during India’s Struggle for Independence advocated:

     A. Co-operation                 B. Conciliation

     C. Extremism                    D. Moderation

82. When the days and nights are equal in both the hemispheres of the earth it is called:

     A. Solstice                         B. Perihelion

     C. Aphelion                       D. Equinox

83. The President of India can be removed from his office by:

     A. The Prime Minister        B. The Home Minister

     C. The Electorate               D. Impeachment

84. La Marseillaise is the National Anthem of:

     A.   Germany                      B. France

  C. Italy                               D. Poland

85. Who will become the first Indian woman and 5th sportsperson to be conferred with Lt.Colonel rank?

     A.   H.S. Bedi                      B. N.V Meera

  C. MC Mary Kom                D. B. Gayathri Devi

86. ‘If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him’, who said?. 

     A.   Francis Bacon               B. Voltaire

  C. P.B. Shelley                    D. Abraham Lincoln

87. March 8 is considered as:

     A. World Women’s Day        B. Children’s Day

     C. Father’s Day                   D. Mother’s Day

88. The year 1986 is considered as:

     A. Mountains Year               B. Peace Year

  C. Women’s Year                  D. Fresh Water Year

89. Name the official Residence of Kongo President?.

     A. Vatical Palace                    B. Ivane Sadan    

 C. Marbil Palace                    D. Eleesee Palace

90. Nicon is related to:

     A. Computer                          B. Printer

 C. Filim                                 D. Camera

91. The Daily Mail is the publication of:

     A. New York                          B. London

     C. Washington                      D. Moscow

92. Who is the first woman Magistrate in Kerala?.

     A. Fathimma Beevi                B. Sreelakha        

  C. Omanakunjamma             D. Mery Chandi

93. Bernama is the news agency of which country?.

       A. Singapore                                     B. Thailand

       B. Philippines                        D. Malaysia

94. Fiat motor company is belongs to which country?.

     A. Italy                                  B. France   

     C. Germany                           D. Japan

95. Who is known as Sreelankan Gandhi?.

     A. D.B. Jayatilaka        B. Anagarika Dharmapala

     C. Ariya Retne              D. D.S. Senanayake
96. Which is the famous prehistoric site in the Malabar region?.

     A. Chathanparambu           B. Farrokh

     C. Kottackal                        D. Edakkal

97. Raja Raja Cholan attacked Vizhinjam and Kantalur Sala during the period of:

     A. Kulashek Bhaskara Ravivarman       

     B. Sthanu Ravi Varman

  C. Rama Rajashekhara Varman   

  D. Varma Kulashekhara

98. Who followed the policy  ‘Blood and Iron’.

     A. Dharma Raja              B. Swathi Thirunal       

     C. Marthandavarma        D. Balarama Varma

99. Who was the dalawa of Marthanda Varma?.

     A. Ramayyan                   B. Veluthambi

     C. Rajashekhara              D. Kannayya

100. Gama’s second visit was in 1502?.

     A. 1506                           B. 1502      

     C. 1504                           D. 1514


 1. A.      2. B.      3. C.       4. A.       5. A.       6. B.
 7. D.      8. C.      9. A.     10. C.     11. A.     12. D.
13. B.    14. A.    15. B.     16. A.     17. A.     18. C. 
19. A.    20. C.    21. B.     22. A.     23. C.     24. D.
25. A.    26. B.    27. A.     28. C.     29. A.     30. C.
31. B.    32. B.    33. A.     34. B.     35. D.     36. A.
37. B.    38. C.    39. A.     40. B.     41. A.     42. C.
43. C.    44. A.    45. B.     46. C.     47. B.     48. C.
49. A.    50. D.    51. B.     52. C.     53. C.     54. B.
55. A.    56. B.    57. B.     58. D.     59. A.     60. C. 
61. A.    62. B.    63. C.     64. D.     65. D.     66. B.
67. D.    68. A.    69. B.     70. C.     71. A.     72. B. 

73. A.    74. A.    75. B.     76. B.      77. A.     78. A.
79. A.    80. D.    81. C.     82. D.      83. D.     84. B. 
85. C.    86. B.    87. A.     88. B.       89. C.    90. D.
91. B.    92. C.    93. D.     94. A.       95. C.    96. A. 
97. A.    98. C.    99. A.    100. B.

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